• From Disconnection To Intimacy.

    Disconnection hurts. Whether it comes in conflict or feeling like roommates or just co-parents.

    The longer you experience disconnection, the more confused, alone, or angry you become. Eventually, this can lead to divorce or a breakup. 

    It can sap focus, hope, and vitality.

    Eventually, it affects our physical health, memory, longevity, and, unfortunately, our kids if you have them.

    We all deserve to have a healthy relationship for ourselves and our families.

    Our passion is to guide you through disconnection to a relationship with connection, harmony, and intimacy.

    We teach relational skills so you can have the relationship you deserve.

    You will have confidence in knowing how to repair to move back into connection.

    When you have this intimacy and confidence, you create vitality in your life. You model health for your family.

    A healthy relationship improves mental and physical health; studies show it helps us live longer.

    You can learn more about our marriage counseling and couples therapy approach here.

    We also specialize in helping couples rebuild trust after infidelity.

    Be that passionate couple that truly gets through to each other!

    You can schedule an initial phone or video consultation with a couples therapist by clicking below.

    Yes, we are accepting new clients!

    Meet the team

    That Provides Couples Therapy in Denver, Lakewood & Castle Rock, CO

    Brandon Schwartz, MSW, LSW

    Brandon Schwartz, MSW, LSW

    Wednesday evening appointments online are available. Thursday appointments are available online. Friday, Saturday & Sunday appointments are available in person in Denver as well as online.

    Investing in Your Relationship

    Joyous, loving relationships can confirm our place in the world and make manifest our highest aspirations as human beings. 

    We owe it

    To ourselves, each other, and our children to be happy. We all deserve a healthy and vibrant relationship.

    Couples researcher

    John Gottman says investing in a healthy relationship reaps more benefits than a gym membership. 

    Research shows

    Research shows that a healthy relationship can extend one’s lifespan and protect against memory loss.

    How to work with us! Spring 2024

    A quick exercise to build connection!

    The Podcast!

    This podcast is for couples and parents who want to work through disconnection in their relationship and family. 

    Disconnection hurts us and our families. 

    So how do we solve it?

    This podcast explores how. 

    Jason shares his personal and professional experience. He has over ten years of experience as a couples therapist.

    The podcast also features interviews with sex therapists, couples therapists, and parent coaches who all share the mission of creating more harmonious and connected relationships. 

    Because we all deserve healthy relationships!

    Can't make it to one of our offices?

    No problem, our team provides couples counseling and individual therapy online throughout Colorado.